We are positioned in Nigeria to implement sustainable development projects with the government, international donors, funders, non-governmental organizations and the community focusing on Social inclusion, Voice and accountability en to learning.

Institutional /Community and Non governmental capacity strengthening

Building institutional capacity, Community and non – governmental capacity in project cycle management and administration from design to evaluation to understand the role each of the parties play for effective project implementation and sustainable development.

Social Inclusion, Voice and Accountability

Community and Social Mobilizations are done based on principles of social inclusion, giving voice to the voiceless and ensuring social accountability in all sectors.

Economic and Environmental Sustainability

Creating enabling environment for the individuals to thrive and improve their livelihood without degrading the environment. Providing livelihoods enhancement activities through skills acquisition training.

Public Private Partnership management

Partnership is done at three different levels, we partner with Government, other Private sectors and the Community to deliver our planned program and projects. We also partners with both national and international organizations.

Community Health Outreach

We undertake community outreach programs where we do health promotion and education on various communicable diseases prevention, control and management. We also involve medical professionals to screen and advice and also do referrals when needed.

Demand Generation

Strengthening Communities and Non governmental organizations to generate demand for quality services

Research / Evaluation /Policy influencing

Undertake research, measure the impact of programmatic interventions and use the feedback to advocate, inform and influence policies


Behold our committed partners who have made our project, services and all the impacts we have made on the lives of the people so far possible.